Columbia International Affairs Online: Policy Briefs

CIAO DATE: 10/2013

African dynamics at the climate change negotiations

Jean-Christophe Hoste, Andrew Anderson

November 2011

EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International Relations


The climate change negotiations in Cancun saved the multilateral negotiation process under the UNFCCC, but what were the African political dynamics at the negotiations? In this Africa policy brief the international climate change negotiations are analysed as a “political marketplace” where international, regional and national agendas meet and have an impact that goes far beyond the theme of the negotiations. It addresses three questions to understand the African political processes at the climate negotiations. First, why did the African Union endorse the Copenhagen Accord after COP 15? Second, why was Kenya so active in the high-level segment of the negotiations in Cancun? Third, what could South Africa do to bring the negotiations forward in Durban?